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About Our Founder - Curt Skene

Curt Skene is a distinguished career coach, speaker, and business leader with a profound impact on the professional lives of countless individuals. With a career spanning over three decades, Curt has built a reputation as one of the most effective and insightful career coaches in North America. His unique approach to career coaching focuses on helping mid to senior business professionals navigate career transitions, build confidence, and achieve their full potential in competitive job markets. His clients appreciate his ability to provide actionable advice that leads to tangible results, whether it's landing a dream job, securing a promotion, or pivoting to a new career path.

In addition to his career coaching success, Curt is a seasoned speaker who has delivered inspiring talks at conferences, workshops, and corporate events across the globe. His presentations are known for their motivational tone, practical insights, and engaging delivery, making him a sought-after speaker for organizations looking to empower their teams and leaders.

Curt's expertise is further underscored by his significant contributions to the tech industry. He is the co-founder of Microsoft Skills 2000, an initiative that played a pivotal role in bridging the skills gap in the technology sector during the 1990s. This program not only provided valuable training to thousands of professionals but also helped shape the future of tech education, ensuring that businesses had access to a well-trained workforce.

Throughout his career, Curt Skene has remained dedicated to helping others succeed, whether through his coaching, speaking, or innovative initiatives like Microsoft Skills 2000. His legacy is one of empowerment, growth, and unwavering commitment to the success of those he serves.

Curt Skene
Founder, Career Network Club

The target market for the Career Network Club (CNC) primarily consists of mid to senior-level business professionals seeking to advance their careers or navigate transitions. These individuals are often experienced executives, managers, and entrepreneurs who are looking to connect with like-minded peers, gain insights into industry trends, and access career opportunities. They value networking, professional development, and strategic advice from industry experts.

CNC members are typically motivated by a desire for growth, both personally and professionally. They appreciate the structured, high-caliber environment that CNC provides, where they can engage in meaningful discussions, share knowledge, and solve business challenges collectively. Additionally, this audience is likely to be technology-savvy and open to virtual meetings, making them comfortable with the hybrid model of in-person and online interactions that CNC offers, including the monthly Zoom meetings and advisory council sessions.

Career Network Club Services offered:

Job Search for Professionals, Senior Professional Career Support, Job Search Strategies For Professionals, Mid-level Career Coaching, Unemployed Professional Networking, Career Transition For Senior Professionals, Job Search Community For Business Leaders, Professional Networking Groups, Senior Management Job Search Tips, Professional Job Search Assistance

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