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Welcome to the Career Network Club Community

The premier networking and coaching platform tailored specifically for mid to senior-level North American business professionals seeking accelerated career transitions. At the heart of our ethos is a commitment to facilitating quick and seamless hiring processes, empowering you to ascend to your next professional milestone with ease and confidence.

Our club is distinguished by its exclusive focus on the unique challenges and aspirations of experienced professionals. We understand the nuances of navigating the job market at advanced career stages and have curated a suite of services designed to optimize your job search. From personalized career coaching, resume refinement, to strategic networking opportunities, every aspect of our offering is engineered to position you favorably in a competitive job market.

Leverage our expansive network of industry leaders, hiring managers, and like-minded professionals across North America. Our members gain insider access to unadvertised vacancies and direct referrals, significantly cutting down the time spent in job search limbo.

Join the Career Network Club today and experience a transformative approach to job searching. Our dedicated team is committed to ensuring that your next career move is not just a step but a leap towards achieving your professional aspirations. Welcome to where ambition meets opportunity.


The beauty of this powerful business networking community is everyone is a trusted first degree connection of one of the founding members so while the numbers may seem low, the quality of connection is very high! 



Participate in Forum Brainstorm sessions to unleash your ideas and tap into the collective wisdom of our community. Share your perspectives and innovative thoughts in a collaborative space, hence transforming inspiration into action. 



Benefit from expert career guidance designed to accelerate your professional growth. Leverage the experience of our professionals who provide valuable advice on career planning, interview preparation, and skill development.



Imagine being part of a select 6-8 person mastermind group where members can talk safely about their challenges and receive impartial advice..  Accountability is a must for all participants!



As a member of the Career Network Club Networking Community you will receive free access to our 100 course traning centre, our 500+ book learning library, our 250+ recruiter connect database, and access to your own 360 Degree Career Assessment.



Nothing will compare to the powerful query tools built into the Career Network Club  community.  With over over 250 search fields we have thought of everything.  If not, we can add it in seconds.  No stone will be left unturned.


CNC Community is The Best Of The Best ...

The premise of this tight knit online business professional community is to gather the best of the best connections from each member.  Since we have all worked with some amazing people I thought it would be interesting to bring them all together.  As the founder, I am inviting 25 of my best connections to join. Once they join they are asked to invite 2-5 of their best connections.  At this point the plan is to stop at three levels deep. There are actually many incredible ways we can help each other, many of which you may not have thought of.  There definitely is power in numbers as you will soon find out!  

Meet our Mentors 

When in the pursuit of a new job, the guidance of experienced, senior business leaders (mentors) is invaluable. Their seasoned insight offers clarity in navigating complex job markets, honing skills, and making strategic career decisions. Mentorship fosters growth, enriches perspectives, and accelerates professional development, ensuring a smoother transition into new opportunities.  Here in the community you will have an opportunity to connect with over twenty mentors here to help you out.

Referral Partners 

Our referral partners are hand picked outsourcers available to be contracted as you need.  All referral partners work with CNC as their contractor of choice,  All referral partners charge out at $20 CDN an hour. Those partners marked with a * charge more than the $20 stated.  CNC does not collect any comission from them (or you!)

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